Popis produktu:
Tričko s dlhým rukávom farba čierna,
- Single Jersey, 100 % predzrazená bavlna
- predzrazená bavlna odolná vyšším teplotám
- prateľné na 95°C (biele) a 60°C (farebné)
- strih s bočnými švami
- priekrčník lemovaný rebrovým úpletom 1:1
- spevnenie ramenných švov páskou
- dlhé rukávy s manžetou
- manžeta z rebrového úpletu 1:1
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I truly found this post to be
I truly found this post to be
This post is ideal for
This post is ideal for
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I keep coming back to posts
I really benefited from the
I’m forever impressed by your
Wow, what a excellent post! I
Amazing content as usual!
Amazing content as usual!
Wow, what a excellent post! I
Wow, what a excellent post! I
I keep coming back to posts
The insights in this article
The insights in this article
I learned so much from this
I truly benefited from the
I truly benefited from the
This post taught me so much,
I’m always impressed by your
I’m always impressed by your
Great post, immensely
Such valuable information
The tips in this article are
The tips in this article are
Such valuable advice here. I
Such valuable advice here. I
Wonderful read! I found it
I learned so much from
I learned so much from
This post was exactly what I
This post was exactly what I
This was so helpful. Just
Amazing content as usual!
Amazing content as usual!
Fabulous content as usual!
Such an insightful article! I
Excellent insights shared! I
Incredibly informative piece.
Incredibly informative piece.
Thank you for the wonderful
I keep coming back to posts
I keep coming back to posts
Fabulous content as usual!
Thank you for the wonderful
This information was
This post was just what I
Such a helpful article! I've
Such a helpful article! I've
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